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To access the community of primos members, it is necessary to make a prior donation, in the form of a minimum contribution of € 3. Online on Helloasso By transfer to the account of the association. Or directly to one of the reverse inclusion project holders who will propose you membership.
If you register directly online, you will access the list of people to whom you want to award your donation after consulting their profile and project.
You can also meet directly with community members who have reported being in a precarious situation or who are carrying a reverse inclusion project. They will give you a Utopiamaker receipt in their name with their unique beneficiary member number which you will use to register.
Your registration will be validated by the beneficiary to whom you have sent your donation or by Utopiamaker in case of payment online. You will then obtain a unique number of members and you will be able to complete your profile.

Profile management

Choose a nickname and add a photo to your profile. Indicate the languages ​​you practice and fill in your details.

Choose in what form you want to collaborate in the community. 1 / A contribution of knowledge 2 / A service 3 / Socialize A list of themes corresponding to these 3 proposals, is presented to you. Check in the list which ones correspond to you. You can use the text field to prescribe exactly what you want to bring. You can also propose a new theme.

Choose what you want to receive from the community.

1 / Teaching
2 / Service
3 / Socializing

A list of themes corresponding to these 3 proposals, is presented to you.
Check in the list which ones correspond to you.
You can use the text field to prescribe exactly what you want to receive.
You can also propose a new theme.


Predefined actions. Example: declaration of completed profile

Dialog windows with other members.
Declaration of exchanges.

Validate the transaction declarations that have taken place.

1 / You want to create an original social project and appeal to the members of Utopiamaker to help you in the realization.
2 / You want to register an existing social project outside the community, personal initiative, association or local action that is important to you. You want to take charge of it with Utopiamaker to reward volunteers with the benefits of our community.
3 / If you are in a critical situation, without shelter, on the verge of expulsion, without resources or in a situation of handicap, we invite you to propose a project in connection with your situation.
Following your request, we will try to gather among the volunteers specialists in these issues. A working group that will support you in its implementation with hope to solve the problem of many.

Talk to the community: you can launch your first topics, write your first announcements and your first texts, we will put its tools online with your content soon
1 / Forum: subject description, language
2 / Ads: title, text, image
3 / Blog: title text, image

Sending a registration invitation to a friend, partly pre-filled with a personal message.

Social Times

Social time is the measure that regulates your gifts and your exchanges in the community.

A social time equals 20 minutes of your time. an hour is the equivalent of 3 social times.

I give my time to a member to answer his wishes or solve his problem.
I give my time to a project to realize the agreed specifications.
I then receive the credit of social time corresponding to the given time which will allow me in my turn to benefit from the time that the other members can grant me for my own needs.

You can use up to 3 hours of social time with each participant on the same day and up to 30 days.

Beyond three hours continuously on the same day or thirty days with the same person, social time is no longer counted. It is then a private agreement between the actors. example: overnight accommodation, shared leisure, travel, etc.


Project management

Each collaborative project is associated with its holder. He chooses one of the themes below (non-exhaustive list), describes his project, has it validated by the community and then constitutes a team and work on the specifications.

Common project themes:
1 / Reverse inclusion
2 / Develop and animate the network
3 / Social support for primary needs
4 / Scientific research & development
5 / Extension and education
6 / Creation and development of tools and infrastructure (in steps)

Everyone can propose a personal project or common good that meets a basic need and which respects the ethical Utopiamaker.
It will have to be adopted unanimously by the members who wish to pronounce themselves.

Why choose Utopiamaker

There are different platforms of economy supposedly collaborative.
There are different associations that can help fragile populations.
There are SELs, local communities of exchange of services.

Why Utopiamaker?

– Collaborative platforms make you a product. They capture your data and exploit it for their benefit. Utopiamaker allows you to freely enjoy your exchanges at a better cost, in full transparency and by taking advantage of your data.
– Member of the association Utopiamaker, you can help whoever you want, at any time, directly, your neighbor or a child at the end of the world, in a true relation of exchange and in all transparency.
– The local exchange systems are very nice. They allow in small villages or cantons to exercise solidarity between neighbors. Utopiamaker splits the narrow horizon of these communities. International connection, shared knowledge and innovation open up new horizons.

All operations, donations and social time exchanges are listed as Blockchain and accessible to all members.
This transparency and free exchanges make Utopiamaker an emancipation tool. It allows you to establish a relationship of trust with all the people with whom you want to exchange. It breaks social barriers and encourages you to be pro-active in building an innovative common good whenever you want. It also allows you to take your time and appropriate opportunities in the network to live an individual transformation beyond the community.
Far from attaching you, this system, designed to allow you to open arms to disparity, becomes biodegradable every time you establish a strong relationship of trust with someone